The 80% Fundraiser Guarantee!
Advertising is the key to any Program. Fundraising is the driver for maximizing opportunities. Do you need to step up your fundraising? Guaranteeing your fundraising at 80% with us could be a quick and easy start.
Fundraising cards play a pivotal role in supporting various causes by providing a structured and accessible way to generate funds for your non-profit, school, sports team, church, club, group, association or organization. These cards not only enable donors to contribute seamlessly but also offer tangible benefits, fostering a sense of reciprocity that encourages continued support for the cause.
What Set Us Apart:

We understand that each school or sports team is unique, and that's why we offer fully customizable fundraising cards. You can personalize your cards with your school's logo, team colors, and specific fundraising goals.

High Quality
We take pride in offering high quality fundraising cards that provide real value to your supporters. Our cards feature a variety of discounts and deals from local businesses, ensuring that your supporters can save money while supporting your cause.

Community Focus
We believe that fundraising is not just about raising money; it's about building and strengthening communities. Our cards are designed to engage your supporters and bring people together for a common cause.

Proven Success
Over the years, we've helped countless schools and sports teams achieve their fundraising goals. Our cards have a track record of success and are designed to make the fundraising process easy and enjoyable.

Who We Are
We Are Your Business or Non-Profit Partner!
Never Give Up Fundraising and Advertising is all about filling in the advertising gaps companies don’t have the time or feet on the ground to accomplish. Examples such as personalized attention to non-profits and Fundraising Cards while putting in time to personalize deals and business specific to any associations sport, or activity.
Never Give Up Advertising is run by passionate, motivated and aggressive parents that care about one thing—and one thing only! YOUR EXPERIENCE!
Having a partner for your business who has been involved in business and sports and school associations, who understands the many levels of fundraising and business, is a huge asset.
Why Us?
Fundraising Cards:
WE CARE about Return and offer a guaranteed 80% Fundraising Card Return (w card orders over 500). $16 of every $20 card sold. No other Fundraising Avenue can offer that, and we are an industry leader that puts YOUR program first.
TRANSPARENCY is what you will get every step of the way, as every partnership needs TRUST started with a HANDSHAKE. The way business used to be.
Contact: for a free discovery meeting or more info.